Strix is a magazine of poetry and short fiction, launched in May 2017. In its first issue, Strix contributors have featured twice in Carol Rumens’ Guardian Poem of the Week blog (‘—handsome, streamlined and sharp-eyed’) and the magazine itself was shortlisted for Best Magazine in the Saboteur Awards in 2018 and 2019.
Strix appears three times a year, featuring the best short fiction and poetry it can gets its claws on—we feature established writers and those in the earlier stages of their writing life.
The fonts used in Strix are rare Venetian incunable types, and the papers used are one hundred percent audited recycled stock. The magazines are printed by Leeds-based print collective Footprint, and are hand-bound in our Leeds studio.
The paper we use is Steinbeis. Their paper is 100% reclaimed, so absolutely no new wood goes into the production. The paper they reclaim is collected by them from the region around their paper mill, reducing its carbon footprint. Steinbeis avoid harmful chemicals, too, and have received Blue Angel and EU Ecolabel certification.
Strix is edited and published from Leeds, England. The editors are SJ Bradley, Ian Harker and Andrew Lambeth.
William James Webbe, The White Owl